Saturday 10 March 2012

An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" is a documentary that showcase the worsening issue of climate change and the arguments that this issue put towards the society. It also shows the increasing production and how Carbon dioxide and greenhouse affect the environment. These informations are not just personal thoughts but presented by evidences like legal documents and statistics. For present designers, consciousness will be a great impact in this issue.

The issue about the glaciers is one of the evidence of how worst climate change it is now. This is evident through Kenya's Mt. Kilimanjaro's 11,000 year old glacier which is rapidly melting and retreating. Al Gore pointed out that if this keeps happening, glaciers retreating from both Antarctic and Greenland, 20 foot rise in sea level would happen in some parts of America and Asia. 

Al Gore's concern about our planet undoubtedly raised an immediate action from different parts of the world. World leaders as well as concern citizens should continue the act of humbleness towards our planet even from a simple use of recycling bins to promotion of paper bags instead of plastics.

This documentary I believe raises designer's thinking into another level. It challenges designers awareness about the materials that will be use in product design from packaging to finishing stages. Not everyone is fond of using sustainable or friendly materials. But as designers, we should also be aware that we are not just designing and making an impact towards the people but also towards the planet.  To make a difference, ethical thinking should be consider in designing things so awareness towards our future can be performed that can either harm or preserve our planet.               

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